The Collective

of New York

building better businesses and stronger communities

Our Growth Solutions

Reaching New Heights.

We're Entrepreneurs.

That Help Entrepreneurs.

Results Delivered.

Our Services

Mergers & Acquistions

Introducing our team of seasoned business strategists, dedicated to empowering small business owners like you! We specialize in providing expert guidance for mergers and acquisitions, catering to buyers, sellers, and investors nationwide.

Our accomplished strategists are not only well-versed in the intricacies of M&A transactions but are also successful entrepreneurs and investors in their own right. This unique combination of experience allows us to truly grasp the high stakes involved in your ventures and provide invaluable support at every critical stage of the process.

From offering pre-offer advice as you approach a letter of intent (LOI) to conducting thorough transaction due diligence and seamless execution, we've got you covered. Our commitment doesn't stop there; we'll be by your side throughout the entire closing process and even assist with post-closing matters.

Rest assured that with our team of experienced business strategists on your side, you'll have the guidance and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of M&A transactions with confidence. Your success is our top priority, and we're eager to embark on this journey with you, helping your business reach new heights!


Digital Transformation

From optimizing your operational processes to reimagining customer experiences, our Digital Transformation service encompasses it all. We'll leverage cutting-edge technologies to streamline workflows, enhance efficiency, and drive innovation across your organization. Whether it's integrating advanced analytics, adopting screen-based solutions, or embracing automation, we'll ensure your digital journey is both seamless and impactful.

Embracing Digital Transformation isn't just about technology – it's about embracing a new way of thinking and doing business. Our strategists are committed to empowering you with the insights and strategies necessary to thrive in the digital age. Partner with us today and elevate your business to new heights of agility, competitiveness, and sustainable growth. Your success in the digital realm is our ultimate mission.


Brand Development & Marketing

From crafting a captivating brand story to devising targeted marketing campaigns, we ensure your brand's message is not only heard but cherished. Seamlessly integrating our Brand Development with your Digital Transformation journey, we harness technology and data to drive impactful marketing strategies. Whether it's expanding your online reach or enhancing customer engagement, we're dedicated to fueling your business growth holistically. Partner with us to forge a brand that stands the test of time while embracing the dynamic opportunities of the digital era. Your success story starts with a robust brand, and we're here to make it shine. Whether you need a logo, style guide, or long-term brand strategy, we're here to help.


Process Improvement & Cost Reduction

Collaborating closely with your team, we meticulously analyze your processes to uncover hidden inefficiencies and cost drivers. Drawing from our expertise in M&A, Digital Transformation, and Brand Development, we implement tailored strategies that optimize workflows, trim expenses, and enhance overall productivity.

We understand the interconnected nature of business functions, enabling us to introduce improvements without disrupting your overarching strategies. With a focus on sustainable growth, we ensure the changes we recommend align with your long-term objectives. Partner with us to streamline operations, boost competitiveness, and pave the way for lasting success in the ever-evolving business landscape.


Fundraising & Networking

Our team is dedicated to propelling your company or start-up towards rapid scaling. Drawing on our extensive network and expertise in various sectors, we curate a strategic fundraising plan tailored to your unique goals. Whether it's securing venture capital, angel investment, or strategic partnerships, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Our strategic approach doesn't stop at financial support; we strategically connect you with influential players in your industry, amplifying your reach and opening doors to invaluable collaborations. Let us be your catalyst for swift expansion, providing the expertise, connections, and strategies needed to elevate your business to new heights.


Our Value

Thinking Big & Making It Happen.

Michael Weiss Designs

Digital Transformation & Brand Development


Fundraising & Networking

Your Business Partner

What are the biggest challenges facing your business today?

Our Commitment

Unlocking Your Next-Level Financial Goals

Simplifying business launch and expansion

Our Proposal

Let's Grow Together

Designing the Future

Join Our Team & Think BIG

Belonging. Impact. Growth.

Committed to Climate

We contribute 20% of all earnings to conservation & climate remediation efforts.

We love hearing how our clients give back too!




Case Studies




Ithaca, NY